Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE's)
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Jane Burniston
St Peter's School, HuntingdonHead of MFL DepartmentFrenchSecondaryI have worked in my present post for a number of years and have seen the benefits of improving and developing teachers' practice in order enhance students' learning. As my department has evolved, I have had the opportunity to develop a team of new colleagues. I have shared my knowledge and skills through support and CPD in order to enhance their teching capabilities. I have succeeded in broadening the uptake of KS4 and KS5. I am an in-school coach, after completion of the Outstanding Teacher Programme, working to improve teaching and learing on a whole school basis. I have mentored several NQTs in the last three years and am currently in the process of completing my NPQSL, for which I have coached two heads of department. Through this coaching team I am also delivering whole school CPD to colleagues. I am one of a small group of staff who are developing Quality Assurance in school and in liaison with other Trust schools.